The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 20: Could this be...fate? ♥

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Oh, hey! Here's the Sunday School.
Estelle completely missed it, being caught up in fond reminiscences about this one time she mashed a sandwich into Joshua's face.
Given that the sign's still up, I guess they're still in class?
Could be. Let's take a look inside. They might've finished for the day and just forgot to take down the sign, too.
Good idea! Let me take a peek.

(W-Wait a sec! I know that guy...)
SHOCKING TWIST!!! It's the only traveling priest we've ever heard of:

In truth, Pedro did not think Duke Gaston would back down easily.
And what of the machinations of that foul masked puppeteer, Harlequin? Capri, Pedro's teacher, seemed to know the jester, but simply dodged any questions about him with frustrating vagueness.
Regardless, Pedro knew another battle would come...and soon. He would have to upgrade the Blue Knight if he hoped to emerge victorious.
'Oh, Pedro...' A slightly irritated, yet comforting voice snapped Pedro from his reverie.
'Do you wish for your tea to grow cold?' The clear blue eyes which met his own carried their own message: 'It will be all right.'
Pedro, a little embarrassed, took his tea...and drank deeply. It was enough to simply have this moment...with her.
...The End! That's The Doll Knight, kids.

But what about the fight with Harlequin?!

And you just know Pedro and Tia go on to get married and live happily ever after...
Ahhhh, so romantic... ♥
Lucia: Yeah, yeah! They gotta get married and be happy! ♥
Lucia doesn't live at the orphanage, so she doesn't get a portrait. On the other hand, her parents are still alive. You win some, you lose some.

*pheeeeeew* All twenty-two chapters of The Doll Knight in one sitting for a bunch of rambunctious kids. You want to talk challenges...
All right, kiddos, that's enough for one day! Class is over!
Thank you for teaching us, Mr. Graham!
Oookay, never underestimating this group of kids again...
Yo, who's at the door? Class just wrapped up, so come on in!
Haha...You noticed me? Guess I stuck my nose in a little too far. Sorry for intruding!

Hi, kids! It's great to see you again! Are you guys doing okay?

This is great! It's been for-e-verrrrr!
Miss Estelle! Play with me! Me!
Welcome back! Welcome back!
Haha! Well, you haven't lost any energy, it seems!
And...Father Kevin! It's been a while.
Ah, she remembers me!
Of course I do!
Wow, though. You really are a priest...despite that getup.
Really, why all the hate on my awesome duds?
But, hey. What are the chances we'd meet again, here, of all places?
Could this be...fate? ♥

So you've met Father Kevin before, Estelle?
Hmhm! The world really is a small place.
I know, right? Craziness!
Thanks for lunch, by the way! It was excellent.
No, no, it's no trouble. Besides, it's the least I can do in return for what you've done for the children.
Hey, Estelle. How come Joshua's not with you today? see...He's...pretty busy with something, so he couldn't come today.
Aww, too bad...
Awww! I wanted Joshua to see the orphanage all fixed up, too!
Me too...
I wanted to see him dressed up like a princess again. So pretty...
Anyway, you guys were in Sunday School for a while. What was that you were reading when we came in? Some kind of novel?
Heheh! It's called 'The Doll Knight'! It's an awesome action story about fights between puppeteers!
Oooh, no it wasn't, swords-for-brains!
It was a romance! With desperate love between a noble lady and a common man...Mmmmmmm...Desperate love...
It's a young adult novel series I brought with me when I came to Liberl. I'd planned on reading it to the kids a little at a time...but they, uh, convinced me to do it all in one go. Hooo...
Haha! I guess the way you get caught up in stuff kinda backfired, there...
Hmhm! Well, thank you for your devotion, Father Kevin.
You'll be heading back to Ruan now, I take it?
Yeah, next logical stop, really. I've got other villages to visit, so I need to hop an airship soon.
Speakin' of. How come you're in Ruan yourself, Estelle? Bracer business, I guess?
Yeah, there's a lot going on.
Wait, on that note, we came out here to ask about
I believe you wanted to ask about the 'white man' Polly saw.
Oh, yeah, that thing.
Hmmmm? You wanna ask me stuff?
Yes, Polly, we have a question...Can you tell us about the white man you saw a little while ago?
The white man was a white man.
He was spinning like a top and was neato and fun!
Erm...We were hoping for a bit more...
Um, let me try and explain a bit better...
It was about four days ago...Polly was outside, just kind of spacing out...which is, y'know, usual for her...
And then she saw a 'white man' floating in the air.
Yeah! He was dancing around in circles in the sky! And when I tried talking to him, he bowed and flew away like a birdie!
You were totally asleep and dreamed up the whole thing! I mean, c'mon, that is the lamest ghost story ever!
I thought she might be dreaming at first, as well...but it seems someone else saw it, too.
Right, Daniel?
Um, yeah. I only saw a little, though. That night, I saw a weird white shadow flying off to the east.
Wh-White shadow, oookay...
Well, with two kids seeing it, I'm a lot more inclined to believe it.
The hell's up with just bowing when spoken to, though...
Hey, Polly? Did you get a good look at his face?
I dunno what his face looks like.
He was wearing a weird mask.
A mask?!
What the hell kind of ghost wears a mask?
Damn, now our culprit could be ANY ghost!
Heeey, Pollyyy, you need to say this stuff! You never mentioned that before!
But nobody asked.
Well, masks aside, it seems it wasn't just a dream...Once Daniel told me about it, I contacted the Bracer Guild, just in case. We've been watching for it since then, but there's been no sign of it.
Well, thanks for your time, ma'am. This gives us a lot to think about.

Whenever you're in Ruan, you're more than welcome to stop by. Father, I'll see you the next time there's a class, I hope.
Yeah, you bet.
Ab-so-lutely! I'll drop by every time I have a chance!
See ya, Father Kevin!
You too, Estelle! And bring Joshua next time too!
I dunno when I'll be back...but we will come to see you again!

-Looking Up at the Sky-

Gotta wonder, though, whether or not their matron qualifies for sainthood. 'Cause every single one of them was among the most polite, wonderful kids I've ever met!
Yeah, Matron Theresa's amazing. There's actually, girl, who helps out here too...She's busy with her school exams and couldn't get out here today, though.
Hmm, okay.
Anyway, I'm headin' back to Ruan for a bit. What about you guys? Wanna come with?
Well, we've asked everything we need to over here. And the road's always better with company. Let's head out.
It's decided, then. Off we go to Ruan! Let's go!

Here's where you get your first proper look at Insensitive Jerk Father Kevin.

Father Kevin specializes in vampire slaying, thaumaturgy, and the Mystery Method. His STR and MOV are on the low side, but he gets good ATS, excellent DEF, and some fantastic support crafts. Currently, K-Pops has:

Crossgear Rage: Melee attack.
Sacrificial Arrow: Grants 40 CP to allies.

He also gets a very good arts setup: six and two, with the center slot locked to Time. Action quartz are vital for everybody, and Cast quartz are vital for anyone who uses lots of arts. A Time restriction is no restriction at all.

Now let's not go to Ruan, and say we did.

Moomin whyyyy

Also, some more Poms.

If you head away from Ruan, you can find a hidden job.

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Vogt: No use. Can't strain m'self any further.
Hi, Mr. Vogt! It's been a while!
Vogt: Well, it's you bracer kids again! Still full o' vim and vinegar, I see.
Oh, yeah, now I remember. You were knocked out during that whole mess with the Intelligence goons.
Agate doesn't sweat the small stuff, like innocent bystanders or collateral damage.
Yeah, this is Mr. Vogt, the lighthouse keeper.
How are you these days, Mr. Vogt? Still hanging in there?
Vogt: I've been all right, mostly. Though recently I--Ah! Agh...
H-Hey! What's wrong? Are you all right?!
Vogt: It's my bum back. Can't seem to shake this pain. Any time I bend at all, it's like someone's drivin' a spike through my spine!
Oof. Sounds pretty painful.
Can't you take some medicine for that or anything?
Vogt: I've been dealin' with this pain since you were in diapers, I'll have ya know! I'll not waste time trying to cure it now. It'll go away on its own. I'll see to that. Unfortunately, I can't afford t' sit around resting for too long right now.
Is there something you need done?
Vogt: Matter of fact, there is. I was right in the middle of an important job when you stormed in here. You know there are orbments used in the lighthouse, right? I swapped the parts out for new ones, but I ain't given them all a test yet.
Oh, that sounds like it could be a problem.
Vogt: Nah, no worries. This is my responsibility. Wouldn't be much of a lighthouse keeper if I asked someone else to do it! I'll just take it slow an' easy. And keep my back straight.
I see...
Well, don't strain yourself, okay? You don't want to make it worse.
Vogt: You don't need to worry on that score, little miss. I know my body...Ah, listen to me go on! Sorry to chew your ears off. Good luck with your work, bracers.
Thanks! Take care, Mr. Vogt.
Vogt: ...Oh, yes, one moment. I almost forgot.
Hmm? What is it?
Vogt: Well, about testing them orbments...There's a manual on the bookshelf there with details on how to do it. If you're curious, feel free to take a look.
Oh, uh, sure, I guess...
Vogt: It's an important job, to be sure, but it's mostly just flippin' switches. Anyone could do it if they read the manual, I reckon.
(You know. D'you think, just maybe...he's being the most passive-aggressive old fart in the universe and asking us to help him out?)
(Ain't no 'maybe' about it.)
Vogt: Mmm? Somethin' wrong?
No, nothing! Well, see ya!
Vogt: Suppose my years are starting to catch up to me...Only natural my back should start to give out. Hope I can find an apprentice for the lighthouse soon...Anyway, the manual's on the shelf. Give it a read, if you're interested!

Let's just try turning it off and on again. If that doesn't work, we'll buy a new one.

You've got four switches in this big jumble of dealywhats along the wall here. Set the Stabilizer and Orbal Amplitude to LOW, then set the Activation Switch to ON. Set the Stabilizer to MID, and then the Amplitude. Then set the Stabilizer and Amplitude to HIGH. Finally, set the Connection Quartz to ON.


So, um, we can just leave it alone now, right?
Vogt: You can. It's in diagnostic mode. It'll stop on its own in a little while.
Okay, then!
Vogt: Still! I'm impressed. You managed to figure it out with nothin' more than the manual.
Haha...It wasn't easy, to be honest.


Oh, hey!
Looks like it stopped...
Vogt: Yes, indeed. The diagnostic's fine, and there were no problems to report. It's been mighty neighborly of you to do all this for me. Sorry to put you through all this trouble.
No, it's fine!
Yeah, no need to thank us. Just make sure you take it easy on your back.
Vogt: No, no, no. I can't let you go without expressing a little bit of my gratitude! Here.


Received Polychaete x5. Received Shrimplet x5.
Oh...These are, um...
Vogt: Some bait for sea fishin'. You can land some real whoppers on the cliffs near the lighthouse. You should try, if you've got the time!
Aww, thanks!
Anyway, we should get moving along, but...

Did you need anything else?
Vogt: I've got all I need, little miss.'s good of you to ask. Very, very important. It shows that you have a heart that cares for others, as any modern bracer should. Just like the bracers of old...
Ahaha! Well, thanks!
Vogt: You make sure and remember that attitude, dear. Now, safe travels! Ah, you've done me a good turn again. Can't help but feel like I'm more an' more of a bother on you young folk these days...I really am startin' to get old, I suppose.

I'm not really equipped for any whopperlandings just yet.


Octopus spat out Clear Gelatin x2.
You can head all the way up to the Ruan/Bose border, if you choose.

-Rock on the Road-

Eat this!

The Krone Trail has tiny exploding egg things that can fuse into larger, tougher eggs, but they always spawn in perfect formation for a Comet and Draguna Edge.

Go down!

There are also some chests, hidden away with delightful spite.


[To-Go/HP1500/Cures Faint/Sleep/Petrify]

Eastern style raw fish. An exotic delicacy.

-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-

Private Usher: Go ahead and get some rest. I bet you need it.

Hey, Serose. How's the border treatin' you? Haven't seen you since that incident with those monster mutts.
Oh, yeah, I remember that!
That was actually the first time we fought together with Agate, wasn't it?
Warrant Officer Serose: Haha, yes, they were a big help! So what brings you around here today?
Just stretchin' our legs a bit and gettin' back into form. Figured we'd come by.
Warrant Officer Serose: Ah, I see, a bit of bracer training. Well, since you came all the way out here, feel free to use the facilities to rest if you need to. You want to talk about monsters, the ones on the road lately have been ridiculous.
Thanks! We'll do that.
Warrant Officer Serose: I'll get back to work, then. If I can help with anything, just give the word. The post's watch is as severe as ever. We're surrounded by threats, after all. The Intelligence Division remnants are spread all over the country, for starters. As hard as it is to admit, we'll need the guild's help to bring them to justice.

Estelle's chaperon won't let her leave the region...

We got enough to be gettin' on with without heading to other regions. Let's focus on our work here in Ruan.

...but if you do find yourself near Krone Pass, the garrison is nice enough to let you heal up for no charge.

We don't need food or sleep. T͏̠H҉͉̺̫̘̼E̵̬̪̼͈̼͇͉ ̪̹̪̦͔̹͘ͅL̹͉̗̹̙IG͍̥̯̞̀H̙͉̣̮̕T ͖̥͚͖͟W̵̭͇̮I̮͈L̶̝͕͓L̶̥̫̱͇̼ SU͠S̲T҉͍͉̣A̡̫̤̳I̠͇̥̗̣̫N̶̞ ̷̝̹͔̳̫̬̼U̲̟͇̤͈̮S̨͖̹͉ͅ

Now let's get back to Ruan...I guess.

-Looking Up at the Sky-

All yours!

Eat hot arrow!

The Cobalt Sabers are manageable with just two, but I'd rather have the chance to put Kevin through his paces.

-Obstructive Existence-

Kevin's S-Craft is a defense, rather than an attack.

I hold in my hand the chalice of Heaven.

May its holiest of lights act as our shield...

Max Guard means immunity to one attack. At the full 200 CP, Grail Sphere can grant immunity to two attacks.

The Sabers have a pretty nasty bite, which can Poison. That seems to be all they do. The Silver Chain can come in handy.

Dark Matter is a lot better with a few ATS and EP increases.

The Sabers do have another ability called Death Throes. When one of them dies, it increases the stats of every other enemy on the field.

Except that they bunched up tight enough for a Chain Craft, so they all just get flattened instead.

Before you go, don't miss the shoebox tucked away in their little beach lair.

-Seaport City of Ruan-

Thanks, guys. Was nice of you to make sure I got back here safely.
Haha, aww, c'mon. You don't need to thank us.
Considering the detour, he probably shouldn't either.
Yeah, besides, like you really needed the help, anyway. That bowgun of yours is an antique...but you're pretty good with it, don't lie.
Wha...? Aw, nawww. A wandering priest spends a lot of time out in the wilderness, y'know. I gotta be able to defend myself somehow, but there's no way I could match a pro!
You really think so? I think you'd make a really good bracer, actually. You're really skilled.
Awww, Estelle, you're makin' me blush. You keep the flattery up and we might have to get...serious!
I thought we agreed to knock it off with the come-ons.
Haha! Anyway...
About this spook you're hunting. People have been coming to the local parish about it, too. But, ah, Father Theodore thinks we ain't dealin' with a normal spirit, here. Assuming it IS a 'spirit' at all.
Really? Why isn't it normal?
Well, the church likes to say that when people die, all the good little boys 'n girls join Aidios in the sky, right?
Right, and sinners are condemned to fall into the darkness of Gehenna. Sometimes, though, you get souls who...don't really fall into either camp.
That's what the church typically refers to as a 'ghost.'
Nnngaaaaaah...W-Wandering souls, ooooookay...
But then, I still don't get what makes OUR ghost not normal. If it's a wandering soul...
Welllll, they don't really 'wander.' According to doctrine, ghosts are usually bound to something. Could be a place, could be a person--point is, it's SOMETHING. The 'ghost' everyone's been reporting, though, doesn't seem to behave that way. It's got Father Theodore worried, I can tell you that much.
Now I get it. Yeah, that's...worrying.
Anyway, just something to keep in mind as you investigate.
Now, I gotta get to the parish! See ya, gang! Stay cool and spookless!

He still doesn't seem like much of a priest, though.
Ah, don't sweat it too much. The wanderers really are a buncha weirdos. The guy who used to come to Ravennue way back when was a real bowl of nuts, too.
Hmm, okay.
So anyway. We do still have some people we need to talk to. Let's continue our investigation!
After you.